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Displaying ROOF Blog articles tagged with Equality

TSA launches diversity plan


Renata Watson

The Tenant Services Authority (TSA) has set out how it plans to promote equality and good relations for social housing landlords and tenants in England with the launch of its first ever ‘Single equalities scheme’ and supporting action plan. The consultation document includes how the TSA will work with tenants, providers and other stakeholders to ensure that the needs of different tenants across the six diversity groups of ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation, age, gender, and religion/belief are identified and taken into account. Everyone with an interest in social housing is invited to comment on the consultation document.

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Interim report says local homes for local people may be illegal


AJ Williamson

The Institute for Public Policy Research, which has been researching housing allocation for the Equalities Commission since last year, has concluded that Gordon Brown’s pledge to provide more social housing for local people is ‘flawed’ and could open up councils to legal challenge. Its unpublished interim report notes that there was no evidence that allocation policies discriminate against white groups and there was only a small amount of evidence that some policies unintentionally discriminate against minority ethnic communities, but the perception otherwise could trigger legal challenges against local authorities by those who feel unfairly treated.

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Opposition calls new home pledge ‘unlawful’


AJ Williamson

The Conservatives have warned that equality legislation could stop government plans to give local people greater priority for council housing. Shadow housing minister Grant Shapps said the measures would be illegal and questioned if funding for the £1.5 billion cost of the programme would be diverted from the Decent Homes initiative, which aims to take every council and social property in the country to a decent standard. The government has denied this.

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Queue jumping immigrants a myth


AJ Williamson

A two-year investigation by the Equality and Human Rights Commission and the Local Government Association, whose conclusions will be released next week, has found that immigrants were not jumping to the front of queues for public services, although the belief was widespread. The majority of new migrants (60 per cent) tended to end up in private rented accommodation because they were not eligible for council accommodation, another 18 per cent bought their own home and only 11 per cent were in council properties, compared with 17 per cent among the general population.

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Equalities Bill aimed at a ‘fairer future’


AJ Williamson

The new Equalities Bill which was published on Monday calls on public bodies to narrow the gap between rich and poor. The Bill requires government ministers, departments and key public bodies to consider the action they can take to reduce socio-economic inequalities. Minister Harriet Harman said the Bill was part of building a ‘strong fair future for Britain out of the downturn’.

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People’s charter for the UK


AJ Williamson

A major new political initiative will be launched today – the people’s charter for change sets out six policy priorities it hopes will force social change for a fairer Britain. It calls for a fairer economy with progressive taxes, control over the banking system and guarantees for all pensions, mortgages and savings; more and better jobs; three million new publicly owned homes and controlled rents; equality for all including equal pay for women and ending child poverty; and cancelling of third world debts.

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New focus on equality in housing


AJ Williamson

The Chartered Institute of Housing (CIH) has announced it is to play a leading role in promoting good practice and equality on lesbian, gay, bisexual and transsexual (LGBT) issues in the housing sector. During the next 12 months, CIH will be looking at ways in which it can meet the needs of LGBT members and to raise awareness of the housing challenges the estimated 3.6 million people in the UK. CIH has already produced good practice guidance on seven areas of diversity.

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